Tax Free Savings Account
What are TFSAs?
A federal government tax-shelterd saving program, designed to encourage
Candians to save and invest for short, medium or long-term goals.
Annual Limit for 2020 is $6,000 each year (begining at age 18)
+ Previous Contribution Room
+ Previous year withdrawals
You can deposit a maximum total contribution of $69,500
Contribution Period: January 1 to December 31 each year.
Contributions above the overall contribution limit is subject to a 1% / month penalty
(refer to CRA website)
A client's contribution room can be found in their Notice of Assessment, CRA My
Account(online), Notice of Reassessment, and T1028
In-kind contributions: captial gains must be declared, capital losses cannot be
claimed. Current market value is used to calculate contribution amount.
Benefits at a Glance
Investments inside a TFSA are tax sheltered
Contributions are after-tax (no deduction)
Withdrawals are tax-free(no withholding)